A5 日本黑毛和牛莎朗牛排切片1cm 厚 600g(200g×3)
Product detailsJapanese "A5 KUROGE WAGYU" Sirloin Steak Cut 600g(200g×3)
商品内容A5 鹿児島県産黒毛和牛サーロインステーキ 600g(200g×3)
□ You can pick up from our Auckland branches □
・WagyuNZ.com | 黒毛和牛 山田屋
Address : 613A Dominion Road, Mount Eden, Auckland 1041Open : Wed-Sun 11:00am - 2:00pm | 5:00pm - 8:00pm
・SASHIMI AJIMI BAR | 大衆海鮮居酒屋 あじみ
Address :Unit2 258 Onehunga Mall Road, Onehunga, Auckland 1061
Open : Mon-Sun 11:00am - 8:00pm
Japanese "A5 KUROGE WAGYU" Sirloin Steak Cut |A5 日本產黑毛和牛沙朗牛排切片600g(200g×3)
Refund Policy
Due to the nature of this product, we will not be able to accept any exchanges or returns because of the customers' personal preferences.
基於產品的品質與考量 無法依著各位客戶的喜好 而交換或退貨,所有產請務必在收到產品之後24小時以內食用, 如有因未收到產品之後保鮮過久而產品變質,怒不負責